Wagstaff Texas Freeze –Client Update Letter No. 2 – 04.09.21
Andrus Wagstaff Law Blog
The US State Department estimates 600,000 to 800,000 people are trafficked across international borders every year. According to the International Labour Organization,women and girls make up the majority of trafficking victims at 55 percent. Now, lawmakers are taking action and hope that expanding liability will help to curb the devastation. One of the most aggressive […]
FTC Regulations Could Limit Information Available to Consumers Injured by Drugs and Medical Devices Television, print, and online advertisements related to medical device and pharmaceutical mass tort cases are common these days. The goal of these ads is to inform and educate potential plaintiffs and the general public regarding the risks associated with certain drugs […]
Gender discrimination occurs every day in the United States. Despite laws against it, some employers treat male and female employees differently. They pay different wages, offer different benefits and opportunities, and discipline male and female employees differently. Doing so is illegal, but the practice continues, even in this day and age. If you’re paid differently […]
Most people are exposed to class action lawsuits when they receive notification of legal action regarding a consumer product. They’re given the option to participate in a class action suit, along with legally committing to not pursue any further legal action against the company regarding the product in question. Another type of lawsuit that’s similar […]
Power is defined as the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events. For far too long, power has been in the hands of perpetrators of abuse. Perpetrators who not only prey on the vulnerable, but use their power to exploit even the strongest among us. They […]
Legal proceedings related to medical or consumer products often make the news because they affect so many people. Not only is it necessary to get the word out to those who might’ve been affected, it’s also important the general public understand their risk when they use certain products. These cases can involve thousands of plaintiffs […]
In the midst of the ongoing debate over health insurance coverage for Americans, there is concern over the revival of an older bill that puts patients at risk and limits their right to take action when they are injured. H.R. 1215, titled “Protecting Access to Care Act of 2017,” would limit the rights of the […]
This past June, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that plaintiffs cannot sue companies in a state where they may do business, but do not have significant connections to that state. What does this mean? The case heard by the Supreme Court was Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. v. Superior Court of California (BMS). The action was brought […]